Keep Maine Beautiful: Our Stories
Protect Sears Island!
Governor Mills and MDOT are facing a big decision: Whether to site a proposed 100-acre wind port on Mack Point, which is already industrialized, or Sears Island, one of the largest uninhabited islands on the East Coast. Unfortunately, they’re moving ahead with plans to develop the Island, an ecological gem that attracts thousands of visitors…
Petition for Intervenor Status
One of the reasons Preserve Rural Maine was set up as a membership based non-profit is the organization can work to present the interests of its members through a unified voice. Intervenor status is a method for a person or organization to petition to have a voice at the negotiating table in a public process.…
Current Focus: Northern Maine Renewable Energy RFI
The second Northern Maine Renewable Energy RFI was released in May, 2024. It is tracked at docket 2024-00099. Preserve Rural Maine will respond to this RFI and we will post our response here. Prior to the first attempted procurement, the PUC posted an RFI that was public: 2021-00223. Unlike in 2021, the PUC has decided…
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