Category: Uncategorized

  • Preserve Rural Maine Submits Testimony Opposing LD 810

    LD 810 – An Act Regarding the Approval of Transmission Lines Senator Lawrence, Representative Sachs, and Members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee: My name is Tanya Blanchard, and I am the President of Preserve Rural Maine (PRM).  PRM is an organization dedicated to preserving the communities, cultures, and environmental integrity of rural Maine.…

  • Preserve Rural Maine Submits Testimony Opposing LD 596

    LD 596, Resolve, to Provide Legislative Approval of Northern Maine Transmission Infrastructure Senator Lawrence, Representative Sachs, and Members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee: Preserve Rural Maine writes to express our opposition to LD 596. I am writing on behalf of Preserve Rural Maine, an organization dedicated to protecting the communities, cultures, and environment…

  • DOT Denies Maine’s $456 Million Dollar Grant Request to Develop Sears Island

    DOT Denies Maine’s $456 Million Dollar Grant Request to Develop Sears Island

    A recent federal grant proposal aimed at developing Sears Island has been rejected. The grant was intended to fund the building of an offshore wind port on the island, one of the largest uninhabited islands off the US east coast that is connected by a causeway. While this news doesn’t mean that Sears Island is…