Category: Legislation
Maine Legislature Committee Hearing Schedule 2/25/25 – 2/28/25
Lots of Bills Scheduled this Week One way to stay on top of what’s happening in Augusta is through the Legislative Committee schedules. Attending a public hearing is a great way to learn about a bill that’s being presented. You can offer testimony for or against the bill (or neither for nor against), or just…
Urgent: New Bill Threatens Rural Maine Communities
LD 596 Resolve, to Provide Legislative Approval of Northern Maine Transmission Infrastructure A new bill has been proposed that would grant blanket approval for the Northern Maine Transmission Infrastructure Project – a high-voltage transmission line that would cut through rural communities and include new or expanded substations. While this may sound like a typical infrastructure…
PRM Testimony Opposing LD186 – An Act to Clarify the Public Utilities Commission’s Authority to Establish Time-of-use Pricing for Standard-offer Service
Testimony as provided to the Energy, Utilities, Technology Committee Senator Lawrence, Representative Sachs and Honorable Members of the Committee, I am writing to oppose the bill that would grant the Public Utilities Commission the authority to implement Time-of-Use (TOU) rates for energy consumption. While the proponents of this bill argue that TOU rates will lower…